About Amanda Hughes
I discovered acupuncture by accident in the late 1980’s when I was advised to get treated for stress-related insomnia and nausea. I realised within minutes of receiving the treatment that this was a medicine that would really benefit people. I wanted to share the amazing effect and results that I had experienced.
I began my training at the Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and I qualified from the China International Acupuncture Training Centre, Beijing in 1993. This is a WHO training centree.
Three years later I started a 2 year diploma course in Chinese Herbal Medicine with Michael Mcintyre, qualifying in 1999.
I supervised the clinical training for the acupuncture course in The College of Naturopathy, Dublin from 2011 to 2015.
I have always been interested in skin conditions and I attended the Diploma Course in Chinese Dermatology taught by Mazin Al Khafaji in 2007.
In 2016 completed the Diploma Course in TCM Clinical Gynaecology and Obstetrics with Trevor Wing at The Women’s Natural Health Practice.
I regularly attend courses to maintain my professional standards.

Member Of:

Register of Chinese Medical Herbalism

Acupuncture Council Of Ireland

Associate member of The Womens’ Natural Health Clinic

European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association

The Fertility Network